
Author: Natasja Paskas



The Freudian term ‘the narcissistic phase’ used in the field of child psychology refers to a period which occurs approximately between the ages of 2 to 3 or 4. This is a crucial  developmental phase...


Steps to heal from psychological abuse

Call abuse what it is…. Abuse. Step out of denial. If you have a hard time calling it abuse then just name it; ‘not so nice things’ However, when someone takes advantage of your...


Fully feeling again

The individual who is seeking a healthy relationship with his emotional being, will strive to accept the existential fact that the human feeling nature is often contradictory and frequently vacillates between opposite polarities of...


Managing flashbacks

Say to yourself: ‘I am having a flashback’. Flashbacks take us into a timeless part of the psyche that feels as helpless, hopeless and surrounded by danger as we were in childhood. The feelings...


How to spot an emotional grown-up

For How to Spot an Emotional Grown-Up, which delineates the key practices for having a mature relationship, Dr. Robin Berman banded together with a friend and colleague, Sonya Rasminsky, M.D., who has a private...