Want to make an appointment?
E-consultations, telephone consultations and FaceTime consultations are very effective. The therapist works -internationally- via Skype/Zoom and FaceTime sessions daily.
You can download Zoom here.
Please, check before making an appointment whether you are covered by insurance including alternative medicine. It often occurs that people make an appointment, only to find out that their insurer doesn’t cover the sessions. This unfortunately means they have to cancel the appointments. If you would like to pay for your session independent from the insurance, then that’s also an option. This makes the practice available for everybody, worldwide.
Feel free to contact me if you have questions and/or comments. To make an appointment, please send an email. When you make an appointment via email, please share 2 dates and time slots that would be convenient for you.
Would you like to cancel or reschedule your appointment?
If you want to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please give notice as soon as possible. An appointment should be cancelled or changed at least 24 hours in advance by e-mail. The full amount will be charged if you do not notify me about your cancellation or any changes to your scheduled appointment.
Contact information:
Email address: info@psychological-abuse.com